November 2003

How to call Java class from a jar I added to my project ?

I have a jar containing some usefull class I need to call from my Objective-C project...


How to make an NSImage from a PixMapHandle ?

I have some Carbon code of my own returning PixMapHandle, I want to use it in my new Cocoa app…


Does somebody know about a flood fill function for Cocoa ?

I need to implement an efficient flood fill for NSImage...

How to change file permissions from Cocoa ?

Is there a Cocoa call to access and modify file permissions ?

How to add line numbers in a NSTextView ?

I need to display line numbers in NSTextView of my own...

I have a Cocoa appl with some Java code, when i try to debug it, it launches JavaBug instead of gdb...

What am I missing here, it was working as expected in PB...

How to create NSMenuExtra

How to create NSMenuExtra - this cool-looking menus at the right.

I want to write a command line tool to render HTML in PDF file...

using WebKit and dataWithPDFInsideRect but it doesn't work: the page is empty, what am I doing wrong ?

Changing file types in NSOpenPanel while it's open

I'm wondering if it is possible to change the file types in an NSOpenPanel while the panel is open...

How do I get an Objective-C application to terminate when the users presses the window's close button?

I want my application to quit when the user closes its unique window...

How the obtain an NSImage with the content of a view ?

I need an NSImage filled with a NSView content at some point in my code…