try/catch/throw/finally example?

Can someone provide an example of the use of @try, @catch, @throw, @finally, in Objective-C ?

int main(int argc, char **argv)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init] ;

int result = 0 ;

@try {
if (argc > 1) {
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"Throwing a test exception" reason:@"Testing the @throw directive." userInfo:nil];
@catch (id theException) {
NSLog(@"%@", theException);
result = 1 ;
@finally {
NSLog(@"This always happens.");
result += 2 ;

NSLog(@"Leaving ...");
[pool release] ;
return result ;
Compile with:
cc -framework Foundation -fobjc-exceptions test.m
Test it with:
./a.out ; echo $?
will result in:
a.out[6108] This always happens.
a.out[6108] Leaving ...
./a.out 1 ; echo $?
will result in:
a.out[6107] Testing the @throw directive.
a.out[6107] This always happens.
a.out[6107] Leaving ...