@org.hibernate.annotations.RowId annotation and native queries
08/12/22 09:49
Using @RowId and native queries to fetch entities, we get ORA-17006. Any solution?More...
Split a string using REGEXP and CONNECT BY...
29/11/22 11:42
SELECT column_value AS id, REGEXP_SUBSTR('A,B,C,D', '[^,]+', 1, column_value) AS data FROM DUAL CROSS JOIN TABLE(CAST(MULTiSET( SELECT LEVEL FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL <= regexp_count('A,B,C,D', ',') + 1 ) AS sys.odcinumberlist) ) ; |
Split a string using XMLTABLE
27/09/22 09:56
Yet another way - specific to ORACLE - to split a comma-separated string into a set of rows. More...
Count the number of NULL columns in each row
15/06/22 17:30
SQL is good at processing set of rows, but what about columns…
Here an easy way to count number of nulls in a set of columns per row.More...
Here an easy way to count number of nulls in a set of columns per row.More...